Phone Numbers
Commencement Message Center
Have a question about Commencement? E-mail the Tufts Commencement Office at Or call us at (617) 627-3636. Leave your message, and someone will respond shortly. The Message Center will be in service until 3 p.m. on Friday, May 17.
Main Phone Numbers
- General University Number–(617) 628-5000
- Alumni Relations Office–(617) 627-3532, 1-800-THE-ALUM
- Campus Police–(617) 627-3030 (24-hour line)
- Commencement Office–(617) 627-3636
- Conference Bureau (on-campus Commencement housing) – (617) 627-3568, Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. This will be a 24-hour line from Thursday, May 16, through Monday, May 20.
- Dining Services (additional luncheon tickets) – (617) 627-3566
- Student Activities Office (Senior Week Activities) – (617) 627-3212
- Health Services–(617) 627-3350
- Student Services Center–(617) 627-2000
Deans’ Offices
- Arts & Sciences–(617) 627-3156
- Dental–(617) 636-0887 or 636-6539
- Engineering–(617) 627-3237
- Fletcher–(617) 627-3085
- Graduate School–(617) 627-3106
- Medical–(617) 636-6534
- Medical School Office of Graduate Degree Programs–(617) 636-0935
- Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy–(617) 636-3712
- Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences–(617) 636-6767
- School of the Museum of Fine Arts–(617) 369-3612
- Student Services–(617) 627-2000
- Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine–(508) 839-5302, ext. 84700