Security at 2024 Commencement Events
Updated: 5/16/24
Please refer to this page for the most up-to-date information as details are subject to change.
In order to ensure a safe Commencement ceremony for all members of our community, Tufts University has taken comprehensive steps to increase security for Commencement ceremonies taking place on our campuses. We ask that you review our security measures below before coming to campus.
Security Measures at Commencement Ceremonies at Gantcher Center and the Academic Quad (The Green)
- Security personnel will screen entry points to Commencement ceremony venues. Access to all events on The Green (Academic Quad) and at the Gantcher Center will be restricted.
- A Guest Access Pass or Tufts ID will be required for entry.
- Students, faculty, and staff: Please have your Tufts ID available to allow access.
- Friends and family of graduates: a Guest Access Pass will be required to gain access to events. Guest Access Passes can be requested at an information desk or booth near the event entrances. Individual schools will organize additional methods for Guest Access Pass pickup and will communicate on those procedures separately with their graduates. Alternatively, guests may ask their graduate for an image of their Tufts ID and show that on their phones or in print. Please allow ample time to obtain a Guest Access Pass or a copy of a Tufts ID.
- Metal detection equipment will be used for access to events on campus.
- Small handbags, purses, and camera bags will be allowed (any large totes, over-sized purses, backpacks, large diaper bags, or messenger bags will not be permitted). All bags will be checked prior to entry.
Prohibited Items at Commencement Ceremonies
- Signs or banners of any size
- Full-sized flags (note: small, handheld flags will be allowed - maximum size is 7" x 5")
- Large totes, oversized purses, backpacks, large diaper bags, or messenger bags
- Umbrellas (ponchos will be available, if needed)
- Balloons
- Any kind of weapon or firearm
- Drones and model aircraft
- Artificial noisemakers
As always, our safety precautions are intended to make these special events run smoothly. We appreciate your assistance as we work to ensure that Commencement 2024 is a joyous occasion for all who are receiving their degrees and for those who are celebrating their accomplishments.
Anyone who sees anything suspicious should immediately contact the Tufts Police Department at 617-627-6911.
Tufts Emergency Alerts
Parents, family members, and guests of graduating Tufts students who opt-in to TuftsAlert* will receive emergency alerts through May 20, 2024. Should an emergency occur that affects any Tufts campus during this timeframe, you would receive a text alerting you to the issue, the location affected, and emergency instructions.
To Opt-In: Text TuftsAlertGrad to 67283
*TuftsAlert is Tufts University’s emergency notification system. Once you opt-in to TuftsAlert using the TuftsAlertGrad text, you will start receiving any emergency text messages that are sent through May 20, 2024. You may unsubscribe from TuftsAlert any time by replying LEAVE TuftsAlertGrad.