Commencement Day
Information you need for the day of commencement.
Phase I
Phase I Ceremony, in which all Tufts schools participate, is the All-University Commencement ceremony. It includes the Academic Procession, the awarding of honorary degrees, the All-University Commencement address, recognition of faculty emeriti, presentation of degree candidates by school and the granting of degrees by the Tufts University Board of Trustees. Phase I takes place on The Green, between Ballou Hall and Bendetson Hall. Tickets are not required.
Phase II
Phase II School Ceremonies of Commencement at Tufts consists of individual degree ceremonies and luncheons. Immediately following the Phase I All-University Commencement, individual department and school ceremonies will take place. It is at these ceremonies that graduates’ names are announced and students are individually recognized. Phase II ceremonies for departments of the School of Arts and Sciences and for the School of Engineering are held in two waves. Tickets are not required.